"Doğaçlama" Ritmik Çalışması ["Improvised" Study on Eurhythmics]
"Havuzbaşı" Mimik Çalışması ["Poolside" Study on Mimics]
1/2 = 2/1
Kartaneleri [Snowflakes]
Modern Dans Sınıf Çalışması [Coursework for Modern Dance]
Nideyim Gönlümü
Bekarlarınca Soyulan Gelin [The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors]
Dedicated to Young People
Slav Dansları [Slavonic Dances]
Uyuyan Güzel [The Sleeping Beauty]
Yaşasın Gençlik [Long Live the Youth]
Ajlan'a Sevgiler [To Ajlan With Love]
Dünkü Mektuplar [Letters from Yesterday]
Kayıp [Lost]
Nova Akropola
Reaksiyon V-2 [Reaction V-2]
Sonsuz [Endless]
Deve Üstünde Performans [Performance on a Camel]
Günlük [Diary]
Komet Kafeste Türkçe Sözlük Okuyor [Komet in a cage, reading excerpts from Turkish dictionary]
Laz Faşing
Sakalın Hikayesi [The Story of a Beard]
Ölümü Düşünmeden Ölüyü Düşlemek [Not Thinking of Death]
İlişkiler [Relationships]
[Title Unknown]
[Title Unknown]
Aulos I
Aulos II
Işık Köprüsü [The Light Bridge]
Anka Kuşu [The Phoenix]
Aulos III
Bir Varmış Bir Yokmuş [Once Upon a Time]
Biz Yeşil Üzümler Yenmez Zannetmiştik [We Thought Green Grapes Cannot Be Eaten]
Düello [The Duel]
Yavuzer Çetinkaya'nın Anısına [In Memory of Yavuzer Çetinkaya]
[Title Unknown]
Nuh'un Gemisi [Noah's Ark]
Prizma [Prism]
Truva Öyküsü [A Trojan Story]
Şaka [Joke]
Abes bir muvazene [An absurd equilibrium]
Burunlu Yıldız [Nosed Star]
Pervaneli Kule [A Tower with Propeller]
Sessizlik Köprüsü [The Bridge of Silence]
Anti Hamlet
Ayakta Uyku [Standing Sleep]
Buradayım [I'm here]
Günümüz Sanatçısı [The Contemporary Artist]
Kıbbe-i Tılsım
Medya [Media]
Monte Carlo Stili [The Monte Carlo Style]
Otoportre [Self-portrait]
Pandomim [Pantomime]
Performans [Performance]
Plastik Performans [Plastic Performance]
Rahatsız Mısınız? [Are you uncomfortable?]
Serbest Oluşum [Free Formation]
İçeri I [Towards Interior I]
1st Assos Performing Arts Festival
Assos Yolu [Road to Assos]
Haritadan Naklen Yayın [Live Broadcast from the Map]
Kanepe [Couch]
Kukla Sergisi [Puppet Show]
Sedir [Daybed]
Simurg [Simurgh]
Yolda I [On the Road I]
Yolda II [On the Road II]
Yolda III [On the Road III]
Çekyat [Sofa]
Ölümsüz Yaşam Kasrı [The Pavillion of Immortal Life]
İkili Figür [The Dual Figure]
1. Performans Günleri [1st Performance Days]
Aksak Kurbağa (solo bas-blok flüt konseri) [The Lame Frog (solo bass recorder concert)]
Ben Caligula [I, Caligula]
Best Model of Turkey
Bilgi Pragmatiği - Yanlış Biliyorum [Information Pragmatics - I Am Mistaken]
Bu mudur? [Just Like That?]
Burası Burası [Here, Here]
El [Hand]
Game Over
Gece [Night]
Gözyaşı [Tears]
Hangi Plastik? [Which Plastic?]
Her Şey Senin Elinde - Yazılı [Everything Is in Your Hands - Written]
Kabız-Anatolya-Bitmeli Şaşkınlığımız [Constipated-Anatolia-Our Confusion Must End]
Karı-kocaların, Koca-karılığı
Konuşma Özgürlüğü İstiyorum [I Want Fredom of Speech]
Mandal Gibi [Like a Fastener]
Medyum [Medium]
Mekansal Otoportre II [Spatial Self-Portrait II]
Osmanlı Ferdiyet Fırkası Kuruluyor [Establishing the Ottoman Individuality Party]
Paradoks [Paradox]
Performansımla Sana Bir Ses [A Voice For You With My Performance]
Planlanmış Bir Planlanmamış Gösteri [An Unplanned Show That's Been Planned]
Sofra Sanatı [The Art of the Table]
Sıcak Kumlardan Serin Sulara [From Hot Sands to Cool Waters]
Sınırlar [Borders]
Tören (Ceramoni) [The Rite (Ceremony)]
ayna ayna [mirror mirror]
İç Bükey [Concave]
Adım [Footstep]
Benim Benim Benim [Mine Mine Mine]
Beyaz Koşu İskarpinleri [White Running Shoes]
Big Blue
Cumartesi Anneleri [Saturday Mothers]
Evden Dışarı, Nerden İçeri, Ordan Dışarı... [From House to Outside, From Where to Inside, and Outside from There…]
Geçirgen [Permeable]
Gölgenin Oyunu [Shadow’s Game ]
Kaos [Chaos]
Kargo [Cargo]
Kilitli Dudaklar II [Clasped Lips II]
Kuşatılmış [The Besieged]
Mutfak Kazaları [Kitchen Accidents]
Su Gibi Aziz Olun [As Sacred As Water]
Video-Bildiri performansı
Yersizyurdsuzlaşma [Deterritorialization]
Çeşit / li-lik / leme [Diversification]
2nd Assos Performing Arts Festival
Dalga [Wave]
Everest My Lord'dan Kısa Bir Bölüm [An Excerpt from Everest My Lord]
Fleeting Monuments
Işık Enstalasyonu [Light Installation]
Köprünün Bakışı [The Bridge's View]
Rüzgârı Ek [Sow the Wind]
Safo [Sappho]
Sanatın Çocukluğu [The Infancy of Art]
Watermarks / Suizleri
[Title Unknown]
2. Performans Günleri [2nd Performance Days]
Göz-nuru [Eye-light]
Heykelin Dönüşümü ve Zaman [The Transformation of Sculpture and Time]
Karşılaşma [Encounter]
Kutsal Duman [Sacred Fume]
Mekanik Bebek [Mechanical Baby]
Mikrorganizmal Süreç [Microorganismal Process]
Nesnel Anlamda Sosyal Prototip [The Social Prototype in the Objective Sense]
Otobiyografik Yolculuk 5 [Autobiographical Journey 5]
Oyuncu ve Beyaz Fare [The Player and the White Mouse]
Performans Şiirleri [Performance Poems]
Sıkı-ş(tır)mak [Co-m(press)ed]
Uyku [Sleep]
adı henüz belli değil [its name is not clear yet]
bonus track
kendim, kendi/ne [myself, self/what]
İletişim [Communication]
Akşam Yemeği [The Dinner]
Bir Broadway aktristinin monoloğu [The Monologue of a Broadway Actress]
Bir Fotoğraf Sergisi [A Photography Exhibition]
Obsesif Eylemler Nevrotik Semptomlar [Obsessive Actions and Neurotic Symptoms]
Performans [Performance]
Sadece Yürüyorlar [They are just walking]
İstanbul Çağdaş Sanat Müzesi [Istanbul Contemporary Art Museum]
İçinden Geleni ve Yapmak İstediğini Dışa Vurmak [To express what you have inside and what you want to do]
3rd Assos Performing Arts Festival
(Yüz)leşme [(Face-)off]
Altın Çerçeve [The Golden Frame]
Assos Projesi [The Assos Project]
Emmets/Karıncalar [Emmets/Ants]
In Camra/Özel/In Private
Kayan Yıldızların Gizi [The Secret of Shooting Stars]
Küresel Depresyon & Donald Duck Sendromu [Global Depression & Donald Duck Syndrome]
Rüzgârı Ek [Sow the Wind]
Sofokles'in Antigone'si [Sophocles's Antigone]
Uyuyan Su [Sleeping Water]
Çağrı [The Calling]
Önce Söz Vardı [In the beginning was the word]
Ayak Takımı [The Mob]
Aşağı - Yukarı [Ups & Downs]
Momentum II
Otto-Türk [Otto-Turk]
Sere Mehe [Period]
Tabunun Yasakapmacılığı
Yüzleşme [Confrontation]
İçeri II [Towards Interior II]
Ayakkabı Dükkanı [Shoe Shop]
Dans Sergisi [Dance Exhibition]
Odak [Focus]
4th Assos Performing Arts Festival
Birer Kaşık [One Spoon for Each]
Launched as part of Salt's research into the history of art in Turkey, this web project focuses on performances realized in Turkey from 1984 to 1999. The website aims to present a comprehensive inventory of performances from the period in question and serve as a source of reference for further research on the trajectory of performance art in Turkey.
The ongoing archival research has been conducted in light of interviews with participants and contributors to the performances. These accounts as well as the archives informed the inventory of works. Visual and textual sources, including photographs, video recordings, sketches, correspondences, posters and brochures from selected events, formed the basis of Salt’s The 90s Onstage exhibition. The archival materials compiled in this process were presented together for the first time in The 90s Onstage, chronicling individual and collective works that highlight performances. In parallel, Salt Research has initiated the process of cataloging and digitizing these archives to render them publicly accessible.
Constituting the first steps of this extensive research, The 90s Onstage and the Research on Performance in Turkey 1984-1999 web project are realized as part of the European museum confederation L’Internationale’s Our Many Europes program. The web project, launched with the support of Zorlu Holding and Zorlu Performing Arts Center’s Digilogue, will continue to be developed and deepened with new resources as well as texts compiled from publications focusing on Turkey’s history of performance art.
Research Scope: Performance in Turkey 1984-1999
Research on Performance in Turkey offers insight into performances held in Turkey from the foundation of Bilsak Theater Workshop in 1984 until 1999, marking the passing of the Assos Performing Arts Festival’s artistic director Hüseyin Katırcıoğlu.
The 1990s was a time when Turkey’s art scene foregrounded the concept of “interdisciplinary.” Most artists and educators who participated in such events of the decade crossed paths with Bilsak Theater Workshop in Istanbul from 1984 to 1988. Bilsak’s instructors Beklan Algan, Ayla Algan and Erol Keskin founded Istanbul City Theaters’ Theater Research Laboratory (TAL) in 1988.
Hüseyin Katırcıoğlu, who studied acting in the United Kingdom and worked in the fields of cinema, theater and television, founded Ya Da Theater in 1991 upon his return to Turkey. Directed by Katırcıoğlu and organized in collaboration with TAL, Truva Öyküsü [A Trojan Story] (1993) was developed as an example of “mass theater” where both professional actors and local people of Assos with no stage experience were guided through a collective working process. This project sowed the seeds of the Assos Performing Arts Festival, organized between 1995 and 1999 under the direction of Katırcıoğlu.
In the second half of the 1990s, the festival turned every corner of Behramkale village in Çanakkale and the ancient city of Assos into a stage. It was built on a site-specific working model. Groups, dancers, musicians, and artists invited from all over the world were asked to stay in the village for three weeks, breathe the air and feel the wind of Behramkale while working on new productions. The decor, masks, and costumes were prepared together with the people of Behramkale. At the end of an intense preparatory period based on collaborative work, the works met the audience; the entire village of Behramkale, from the pier on the shore to the temple on the hilltop, including the cemetery, old bridge, and village school, everywhere turned into a playground. Every year, Ya Da Theater directed by Katırcıoğlu staged a show with the participation of local people. The festival, held every autumn from 1995 to 1997, did not take place in 1998 because of the founding team’s restructuring plans. The year 1999 would be the festival's last year with Katırcoğlu's passing, staging only two plays.
Gamze Cebeci, Sezin Romi
Ezgi Yurteri
Amira Akbıyıkoğlu, Mine Söyler